April 29, 2016
• Civil aviation has already coordinated implementation starting from April 19th.
• The initiative, initially applied at Daniel Oduber, will be extended to Santamaría.
The provision requiring aircraft passengers to use containers of 3.4 ounces or its equivalent of 100 ml maximum to transport liquids, aerosols, or gels in their carry-on baggage will be mandatory starting April 19th at the Juan Santamaría International Airport.
This was indicated by the Director General of Civil Aviation, Ennio Cubillo, who clarified that initially this provision was applied, as a pilot plan, at the Daniel Oduber Quirós International Airport in Liberia and will now be extended to the country’s main airport. Passengers who fail to comply will have these substances confiscated by airport security authorities.
The Director of Civil Aviation added that this circular is binding with standard 2.4.1, Annex 17 (Aviation Security) of the International Civil Aviation Convention ratified by all member countries, including Costa Rica, in force since 1947, regarding collaboration between states on prevention, security, among others.
The General Directorate of Civil Aviation established proper coordination this week with airport security authorities (Ministry of Public Security), airline operators, AERIS Manager, and the Airline Association (ALA), so that all precautions are taken, timely communication is made, and it is applied starting April 19th. Furthermore, all information associated with this regulation for the transport of liquids, aerosols, and gels can be found at the following link: new procedures
Safe Transportation
The obligation to use separate containers for each substance by travelers will be warned from the moment the passenger (departing or in transit) accesses the airline counter or station at Juan Santamaría. Likewise, information on this particular matter will be located at strategic and visible fixed points in the terminal, and this provision will be communicated through the airport’s audio system (public address).
Similarly, the container(s) must be placed in a plastic bag with airtight seal (ziploc type) when carried in the carry-on baggage.
Source: http://www.dgac.go.cr/